Greetings! I'm a nymph V-artist from Indonesia who also work as freelance artist to pay my bills in human world!
Commission status: [OPEN for waiting list]
Terms of Service
By commissioning me, you are agreeing to the terms of service below.
Commissions are paid upfront by 50%, and the rest after i finished the sketch. Client may pay upfront 100%
Payments are via Trakteer or Streamlabs (linked to paypal/visa) only
The currency accepted is USD or IDR
Please give me detailed information such as chara reff, their personality, and poses
NO RUSHING, unless there's deadline agreement in the front
Client may ask to make alterations. However, major changes such as changing poses, characters, outfits, etc. is not allowed if I have already started working on the piece.
Revision after finishing is only for small adjustments (color tone, etc).
I, as the artist, hold every right to the produced drawing.
Therefore, I´m allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to:
- Promote myself within any place or website.
- To display or post it where I like.Client is allowed to:
- Use the copyrighted artwork for personal use only, unless agreed otherwise.
- Print the art for themselves, and claim the right of their character(s) but not the drawing itself.
- Use the art to promote themselves with proper credit given to the artist.
If you break the copyright infringement in any way, every right you had to the drawing will be retracted.
The following is considered Copyright infringement:
- Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially. (Meaning making money of it in any way)
- Taking Credit for the creation of the artwork.
- Altering the artwork without the artist´s consent.A Purchase of Commercial rights to the artwork will be 200%-300% of original price.
With commercial rights you are allowed to:
- Make money like merch with the artwork
- Use to your liking and promote your own brand with.
- Credit to the artist is still required for usage of the artwork.
Canceling/Refunding Policy
Cancelling when i haven't start to work on the piece at all, money will be refunded 100%
Cancelling after sketch been drawn, only 50% refund is offered.
Cancelling the commission after i work on the piece is not allowed, and will get no refund at all if client insist.
If you file a chargeback to me, I'll have your illustration retracted and have the right to sell it to other buyers, or made merchs over it. I'll post your name everywhere as i want other artists to be aware 💖
Normal Illustration prices are for personal use
Basic Price
IllustrationBust up: @ USD 40
Half body: @ USD 65
Full body: @ USD 80
Indie Vtuber model
(separated art only, commercial use)
Bust up: @ USD 300
Half body: @ USD 425
Full body: @ USD 550Prices for agency Vtuber are different, please contact me first
Important Notes
These prices are for one character and personal use only (except for Vtuber model)
Vtuber models come with separated file and ready to rig. But I don't do rigging or animation, i only provide art commission
Complicated designs like armors, lots of accessories, etc, will be charged more
Simple random BG is provided, requested BG will be charged more starts from $5 depending on difficulty
I have the right to reject the commission if i think i won't be able to work on it
For commercial use like merchandises can be discussed